Website Category: General
Webinar 20: Skye
Measuring what matters in mental health
Home – BC Centre for Employment Excellence
This pilot project is evaluating the use of an online mapping tool to enable individuals with disabilities, their families, employers and service providers to share and learn about the positive employment experiences of individuals with developmental disabilities (self advocates) in BC.
Wellness Recovery Action Plan – Mary Ellen Copeland
WRAP has been developed by a group of people who experience mental health and other health and lifestyle challenges. These people learned that they can identify what makes them well, and then use their own Wellness Tools to relieve difficult feelings and maintain wellness and a higher quality of life.
What is the impact of mental health-related stigma on help-seeking? A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies
Background Individuals often avoid or delay seeking professional help for mental health problems. Stigma may be a key deterrent to help-seeking but this has not been reviewed systematically. Our systematic review addressed the overarching question: What is the impact of mental health-related stigma on help-seeking for mental health problems? Subquestions were: (a) What is the size and direction of any association between stigma and help-seeking?
Terry Krupa’s Action Over Inertia
Action Over Inertia introduces readers to an occupational time-use intervention that aims to re-engage community dwelling individuals with serious mental illness with meaningful activity, positively influencing levels of occupational balance and engagement.
Included in the publication are step-by-step instructions, worksheets and resources to use directly with individuals and groups.
Carl Rogers’s Client Centered Therapy
Presenting the non-directive and related points of view in counselling and therapy, Rogers gives a clear exposition of procedures by which individuals who are being counselled may be assisted in achieving for themselves new and more effective personality adjustments.
Community Mental Health in Canada: Theory, Policy, and Practice
By Simon Davis.
This book fills a gap in the literature in its analysis of both clinical mental health practice and the structural context within which it is situated. Accessibly written and highly informative, it is an indispensable resource for students, practitioners, and policymakers, as well as service recipients, their families, and interested members of the public.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Canada
Psychosocial rehabilitation services to support the recovery of persons with serious mental health issues.
PSR Nova Scotia
Welcome to PSR Nova Scotia Chapter website! PSR Nova Scotia is an association of individuals and organizations committed to the provision and growth of psychosocial rehabilitation services to support the recovery of persons with serious mental health issues.