Resources & files
Putting recovery into practice: An introduction to the Guidelines for Recovery-Oriented Practice
Hearing Voices Network Interview
Co-op Radio interview with Renea Mohammed, VCH Peer Support Program Coordinator. Interview conducted by Cindy Lou Griffiths, founder of the Hearing Voices Network Support Group held at Coast Mental Health Foundation. Interview content begins at 7:09 and was originally broadcast on January 5th, 2015. All rights reserved.
BUILDING on HOPE: PSR/RPS Canada & PSR BC 2015 National Conference
SAVE THE DATE: BUILDING on HOPE PSR/RPS CANADA & PSR BC 2015 NATIONAL CONFERENCE JUNE 15 – 18th 2015 JUNE 15th, 2015 – INSTITUTE DAY JUNE 16-17th, 2015 – CONFERENCE PROGRAM JUNE 18th, 2015 – HOUSING SYMPOSIUM & SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT SYMPOSIUM COAST PLAZA HOTEL & SUITES 1763 COMOX STREET, VANCOUVER, BC Join us as a Sponsor or Exhibitor at the conference Watch the PSR website for conference updates: If you need more information, please contact Sherry Sim, Event Manager by phone 1-866-655-8548 or by email:
Spiritual Conversation Guidelines for Community Mental Health and Addiction Professionals
These spiritual guidelines support the work of Mental Health and Addiction Professionals (MH&AP) at Vancouver Community Mental Health and Addiction Services. MH&AP are required to engage in spirituality conversations with clients unless clinically contraindicated. This document intends to expand professionals’ knowledge and skill in engaging in their own understanding of spirituality and that of their clients. We acknowledge and honour the fact that MH&AP in the system vary in their understanding of, use of, and comfort with, spirituality.
Engaging Mental Health Services in Spirituality Conversations: A Spirituality Poster and Café Spirit
Spirituality can be an important resource for mental health recovery. Yet barriers exist in integrating spirituality into mental health services. This article describes a spirituality quality-improvement project that engaged the system using strategic spirituality dialogue. We formed an advisory committee; developed a spirituality framework/poster; facilitated dialogue among consumers, families, and mental health professionals in focus groups; and hosted a Café Spirituality. The findings highlight the need to create safe places for spirituality dialogue.
Hope and Fear: Consumers, Psychiatric Medications and the Therapeutic Relationship
This study explores the role psychiatric medication plays in the lives of mental health consumers, and, in particular, how this experience of taking medication is affected by the relationship with the prescribing physician. Rather than concentrating exclusively on issues of adherence/nonadherence to medication regimens, as other studies have done, our goal was to unveil the complex lived experiences of consumers, their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour as they pertain to medications and the therapeutic relationship. It is hoped that the study findings will add to the knowledge base and understanding of participants’ experiences, empower consumers and raise practitioners’ awareness so as to promote increased collaboration in the treatment process.
Cultural Competency: A Practical Guide for Mental Health Service Providers
National Cultural Competency Tool (NCCT) For Mental Health Services
This package has been specifi cally designed for use by mental health services in working with people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. The development of this National Cultural Competency Tool (NCCT) for mental health services is an exciting and signifi cant step towards enhancing the capacity of the mental health workforce in working transculturally with an increasingly multicultural population.
Healthy Minds, Healthy People: A Ten-Year Plan to Address Mental Health and Substance Use in BC
Healthy Minds, Healthy People – B.C.’s 10-year mental health and substance use plan – aims to reshape how we think about, talk about, and approach mental health and substance use across the lifespan. It’s about shifting and transforming health and broader systems that influence and support the mental wellbeing of British Columbians throughout the province.
Romantic Relationships Among Persons with Lived Experience of Mental Illness
A CONKER project: CONsumers for Knowledge Exchange & Research