Events & Workshops

An integrated and recovery-oriented model of care for people with concurrent disorders—results of a Delphi study


Join us on Friday, February 7th from 12:00-1:00pm (Pacific) Presenters: Angela Russolillo and Anja Lanz Register now: Session description People with concurrent mental health and substance use disorders have to navigate a fragmented, uncoordinated system of care. Despite evidence that individuals with a single diagnosis are a clinical minority, integrated management approaches are rare […]

Want to present your work?

Please reach out if you have an interest in presenting your work - we look forward to supporting you and or your team.


Our goal is to offer various high quality educational events such as webinars, workshops and online training workshops to support community learning and engagement.

As part of our learning community we are interested in hearing from you about your learning needs and preferences. Also, we are always keen for volunteers to present on current evidence based and evidence informed topics.

Please reach out if you have an interest in presenting your work - we look forward to supporting you and or your team.